Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Half Moon Pose
(Ardha Chandrasana)

Stand Hip apart.
Spine Errect.
Arms Aside.

Left Feet back and turn out.
Reach your arms out to the side.

Align the heels when you step one foot back.

Bend your right knee slightly.

Reach your right arm forward.
 Shift weight onto your right foot.
 Lift your left leg up as you straighten your right leg.
Balancing on your right leg.

Slowly lower your right hand to mat.
Keep your left arm extended and reaching high.
Left leg parellel to the mat.

Look up Once you are stable.

More Challenging.
Back leg higher if you can.

Open the chest and shoulder.
Extend your body as much as you can.

-Oh Yoga-

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