Friday, June 28, 2013

Half Lord of the fishes Pose

Half Lord of the fishes Pose
(Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Sit Nice and tall.

Two hips sinking down.
Stretch your sitting bone.

(Back Side)
Buttocks should be on the floor with your legs crossed over to the other leg.

Step the right foot over your left thigh.

Reach your left arm up.

Grab your right leg by your left hand.
Press right hand against the floor.
Bring your right knee close to your chest.
Twist your torso back.

Bring your left elbow near your right knee. 
Twist your torso right.
Open your chest and shoulder blades.

Release your hands.
Reach your fingertip up.

Release your legs.
Do other side same thing.


You can straight out your legs if you are not happy to fold your legs.

Step the right foot over the left leg.

Place your right hand behind of your buttocks to straighten your sitting bone up.
Bring your left elbow near your right knee.
Twist your torso right.

Release arms and legs.
Sit up straight.
Do other side same thing.

-Oh Yoga-

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wide Legged Forward Bend

Wide Legged Forward Bend
(Prasarita Padottanasana)

Stand in Mountain Pose.

(Front Side)
Stand wide.
Hands on your waist.

 (Lateral Side)
Stand wide.
Hands on Waist.

Open the shoulders and chest.

(Front Side)
Forward bend half way down.
Torso parallel to floor.

(Lateral Side)
Forward bend half way down.
Torso parallel to floor.

Cross your fingers in back and stretch them out far away from your back.

Slowly head down the mat.
Palms together behind your back.

Gently reach your hands on the mat.
Do not arch your back.

Bend your elbows.
Gently Head onto the mat

If there is a tension to reach your hands on the mat, Place your hands on your knees.

Or hands on your shin.

***Place your hands anywhere stable that you are in no tension.***

If you are comfortable you can deepen the stretch further by grasping your big toes.

Grasping your toes.

Heads onto the mat.
You can place your palms onto your feet.

Hands back on the middle of your mat.

Bring your hands on your waist.
Slowly move your torso upward.

All the way up.

Back to mountain pose.

-Oh Yoga-

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Chair Pose

Stand in Mountain Pose.
Feet together.
Hands aside.
navel in.
Tuck your tailbone under. 
Stand nice and tall.

Bring your hands on your waist.
Bend your knees gently.
Straight your back.

Slowly hip down as pressing down your feet onto mat.
Hands forward to balance your body.

You can stand hip apart if it is more comfortable for you.

More Challenging.
Once you are ready,  heels off the mat.
This is beneficial to the arms, legs, core, and cardio vascular system.

Reach your arms above.
Shoulders sink down.
It you have much pain on your knees,
Bend little bit.

Stay in the pose with few more breaths.

You can palms together.

You can palms facing together, parellel to each other.

Palms together in front of your chest.
Focus on your body.

Right elbow onto your left thigh.
Left shoulders and chest turn and open big to ceiling.
Look up.

Come back and do same to other side.

Slowly heels down. 
Stand nice and tall.
Extend your body.

Back to Mountain Pose. 

-Oh Yoga-

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Half Moon Pose
(Ardha Chandrasana)

Stand Hip apart.
Spine Errect.
Arms Aside.

Left Feet back and turn out.
Reach your arms out to the side.

Align the heels when you step one foot back.

Bend your right knee slightly.

Reach your right arm forward.
 Shift weight onto your right foot.
 Lift your left leg up as you straighten your right leg.
Balancing on your right leg.

Slowly lower your right hand to mat.
Keep your left arm extended and reaching high.
Left leg parellel to the mat.

Look up Once you are stable.

More Challenging.
Back leg higher if you can.

Open the chest and shoulder.
Extend your body as much as you can.

-Oh Yoga-