Thursday, July 18, 2013

Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Extended Side Angle Pose 
(Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Stand nice and tall.

Stand wide as twice as hip distance apart.
Raise your arms parallel to the mat.

Turn your right foot out.
Turm your left foot in slightly to the right.

On your exhale, bend your right knee.
Place your right elbows onto your right thigh.
As you inhale, open the chest up and reach your arms up, palm facing to the mat.
As you exhale, bring your right side of torso close to your right thigh.
Press your right fingertips on the mat outside of your right thigh.
Keep breathing. 
Keep extending your left side of body more longer.
Stay for 30 seconds or more.

Or Palm on the mat if you can.

Slowly bring your torso up.

Straighten your leg.

Stand back in Mountain Pose.
Do other side as well.

-Oh Yoga-

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Warrior III (Virabhadrasana)

Warrior III 

Stand nice and tall in Mountain Pose.

Big inhale reach your both arms up.
Left leg back.
Shift your weight on your right foot.

Gently Lower your body as you lift your left leg up.
Look down.
You can stay here if you are beginner.

Once your are ready your can lift your left leg up more  
Left leg parallel to the mat.
Toes pointing down.

Stretch your body.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds or more.

Slowly bring your left leg back onto the mat.

Stand in mountain pose.
Repeat other side as well.

-Oh Yoga-

Monday, July 15, 2013

Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

Eagle Pose 

Stand nice and tall.

Stretch arms straight forward.

Cross the arms in front of your torst so that the right arm is above the left.

You can backs of your hands facing together.
Or Palms together.

Bend your knees slightly.

Point your left toe down to the mat.
Balancing on your right foot.

Cross your left thigh on your right.

Hook the top of the foot behind the lower right calf.

Balance on your right.
Lower your hips down more if you can.
Stay 15 to 30 seconds.
Repeat with arms and legs reversed.

-Oh Yoga-

Friday, July 12, 2013

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge Pose
(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Lie spine on the mat.

Bend your knees.
Bring your heels close to your hips.
Feet parallel.
Palms on the mat next to your body.

Exhale, and lift your tailbone upward as you pressing your palms down to the mat.

To open your shoulders and chest you can cross your fingers as well.
When you exhale lift your tailbone upward.

You can support your back with your palms as llifting your tailbone upward.
Chin Down.
Look at your belly.

Gently bring your palms on the mat.

Slowly tailbone down on the mat.

Straighten your legs  and palms facing upward.
Repeat the pose.

-Oh Yoga-

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose

Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Stand nice and tall.

Right toes pointing down.
Balance yourself.

Slowly bring your knees close to your chest.
Hug it with your hands.
Flex your foot.
As you exhale knees close to your chest.

Gently hold your big toe with your fitst and index fingers.

Inhale and extend the right leg forward.
Straighten the knees as much as possible.
Swing the leg out to the side.

Place your left hand on your waist.
Hold for 30 seconds or longer if you can.
And repeat other side.

-Oh Yoga-

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Gate Pose (Parihasana)

Gate Pose

Stand on your knees.

Stretch your left leg out out to the left, with the heel of the foot  on the mat.
Stretch both arms to the side.

Toes stretching away from the body.
Have the foot as flat on the mat as possible.

Reach your right arm to the sky.
Place your left arm onto your leg.
Look Up.

Open your chest upward.
Extend right side of your body.
With each exhalation gently deepen your side stretch.

Draw your spine back to vertical.
Arms horizontally.

Do same things to other side.

-Oh Yoga- 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel Pose

Sit on your hips.
Nice and tall.

Knee 6-12 inches apart.

Lift your body up so stand on your knees.

Place your hands on your waist.
Open the chest.

Curl your toes under.

Drop your Head back.
Expand your chest forward.

Slolwly reach your right hand back to grab right heel.
Then reach your left hand back to grab left heel.
Expand your chest even more.

If it is hard to reach your hands on your heels, Place your hands on your back.
It's fine as it is.
Press your back forward and lift your chest.

Bring your top of your feet down to the mat.
Hands are closer to the mat.
Hold the breath 5-10 breaths.

Child pose.
Place your heads on the mat hands aside your body.

Gently bring your body up.

-Oh Yoga-