Monday, June 17, 2013

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana)

Warrior I 

right knee should be over your right ankle.
try to hip down as left leg straight. 
palms together.
Hands towards ceiling.

Stand hip distance apart. (for beginner)

Bend your right knee little bit over your right ankle.(For beginner)

Place both hands next to ears.

palms together if it is convenient for you

spread the fingers wide if it is convenient for you.

Cross your fingers and only point your second finger upward if it is convenient for you.

Head back and look up if you can.

Extend your back bone and arms as much as you can.

right knee 90 degrees.

Open your chest wide.
Namaste On your back.

Arch your back and look up.
Feel you are stretch well.

Low Lunge
(Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Back knee on the floor.

Arch your back as much as you can.

Open the chest and shoulders.
Sweep your ams back and cross the fingers.

hands toward to the mat.
Open the chest.
Look up.

-Oh Yoga-